Purple Beauty

Also known as “houseleek” or sempervivum, this is a succulent plant that tends to grow in clusters, with a beautiful yellow flower.


A micro flower blooms at the end of a stalk at Mt Annan Botanic Garden.

Get a room

These two flowers almost look as if they are tenderly touching and caressing each other.

Galactic Centre

They say the Galactic Centre contains many stars, all revolving around a supermassive black hole, surrounded by interstellar dust and molecular gas. Some stars explode and become supernovae, generating relativistic jets (beams of ionised matter).

Flower Boxes

This set of flower boxes are located in front of the Sydney Town Hall and faces into the light rail at George St, Sydney.

Autumn Bloom

This could be mistaken for a spring photo, but it’s actually taken in early autumn in the Southern Highlands at a garden in Bundanoon.