This is the Sydney Ferry Alexander arriving at Pyrmont Bay wharf, against a backdrop of the Sydney skyline with the Sydney Tower on the left, the Cape Bowling Green lighthouse on the right. The tall ship in the middle is the Endeavour, part of the Maritime Museum’s heritage collection of vessels.
Chris Tham is a co-founder of Visual Voyager Pty Ltd, the Principal Voigtländer Ambassador for Mainline Photographics and a Workshop Instructor for Mainline Photo Academy.
She brings over 35 years of experience as a photographer to her role, starting with a Yashica rangefinder belonging to her dad, joining the Photography Club in school, and developing her own photos.
More recently, Chris has been taking photos during her travels, and as a result has experienced some of the most interesting places in the world.
Chris focuses on nature, street, and urban architecture subjects in her photography.